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– Directed by Lars von Trier
– More Wasington Manderlay Dogville
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Breaking the Waves
Breaking the Waves is a 1996 film, set in the Scottish Highlands in the 1970s, which tells the story of Bess McNeill, who marries oil-man Jan, despite the apprehensions of her community and Calvinist church. She is somewhat simple, and has difficulty living without him when he is away on the oil platform. She prays for his return, and when he returns paralysed after an industrial accident, she believes it is her fault. No longer able to make love, Jan urges her to find and have sex with other men, and then tell him the details. She slowly begins to believe that what she is doing is the wish of God.
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Breaking the Waves
:00:02 Kroz talase
:00:13 Zove se Jan
:00:18 Ne poznajem ga
:00:25 On je sa buotine.
:00:27 Zna da ne odobravamo
brak sa doljacima.
:00:32 Zna li uopte ta je brak?
:00:37 To je kada su dvoje ljudi
sjedinjeni u Bogu.
:00:42 Veruje da si sposobna...
:00:44 ...da nosi odgovornost...
:00:46 samo za svoj brak sa Bogom...
:00:48 ...veæ i za jo jedan?
:00:52 Znam da jesam.
:00:57 Seti se neèega stvarno vrednog...
:01:02 su stranci doneli.
:01:11 Svoju muziku.
:01:18 Idi Bes Mek Nil,
sedi na svoje mesto.
:01:36 Prvo poglavlje: Bes se udaje
"Zaboravio sam da je moj brijaæ sa 6 ica..."
:01:40 "...poleteo na nebo..."
:01:44 " pola puta do Memfisa..."
:01:46 "...pre nego to sam shvatio..."
:01:50 ", zvao sam informacije..."
:01:54 "...moja sekira bee hladna..."
:01:58 "...rekla je da ide vozom za Oreol..."