Dogville was in the Rocky Mountainsin the US of A.
Up here where the road came to itsdefiniteve end near the entrance to the old,
abandoned silver mine.
The residents of Dogville were good,honest folks and they liked their township.
And while a sentimental soul from the East Coasthad once dubbed their main street ELM STREET,
though no elm tree had evercast its shadow in Dogville,
they saw no reason to change anything.
Most of the buildings were pretty wretched;more like shacks; frankly.
The house in which Tome livedwas the best, though,
and in good times might almosthave passed for presentable.
That afternoon the radio was playing softly,
for in his dotage Thomas Edison Seniorhad developed a weakness for music of the lighter kind.
[Radio Presenter] Ladies and Gentlemen...the President of the United States...
Tom, do me a favor, will you?The radio!?
Just because the music's over andyou might risk hearing something useful?
I thought that's why we have the radio...
Well, I need a rest, as you know.
Mock me if you like.
[Narrator] Tom's father had been a doctorand now received a modest pension,
so it was no great disaster for Tomto drift about not doing anything in particular.
Tom was a writer....at any rate by his own lights.
Oh, his output as committed to paperwas so far limited to the words "great" and "small",