Flirting with Disaster

- You're saying--
- This can't be happening.

You're saying you're not sure
if you're my father?

- I'm sorry to disappoint you.
- But the records show...

that-that you're the one
who brought him into the agency.

I did a good deed as a favour, because
his mother and father were indisposed.

- Indisposed how?
- You'll have to ask your mother
about that.

But we don't know where she is.
So isn't it possible...

that you got her pregnant
before she left you?

- No, no, no! With this face,
this science thing--
- Hey, we're movin' backwards here.

- Where's the brake? Do I--
- Put it in first.

Oh, my God! Mel!
I don't think it's wrong
to want to take a driving lesson
with your father, right?

- I'm not speaking to you.
- Sweetie, I'm sorry about this.

Give me a kiss.
Sweetie, give me--

- Hey, Mr Boudreau,
where is Antelope Wells?
- Please step off.

- Sorry, do you know
where Antelope Wells is?
- I have no idea.Just--

She doesn't know
what the hell she's doing.
That man was a lunatic, a stranger!

- Okay, okay.
- Mr Boudreau, please, before you go...

- Tommy, get her off me! Move!
-just tell me where Antelope Wells is.

- When I say step off, I mean step off!
- Hey! I am from New York, okay?

On the upside, Antelope Wells
should be warmer than this place.

So we're just gonna jump on a plane
to New Mexico? Is that it?

Well, I think that we should finish
what we started.

Agent Paul Harmon,
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

This is Agent Tony Kent.
Now let's see.

You, uh, you thought this
Fritz Boudreau was your father,
but, in fact, he's not your father.

- Well, no, I--
- Tony. Tony Kent.

- Nancy Curwin.
- This is unbelievable!

We went to high school
together in Chicago.

- You look fantastic!
- Now--
- No!

- God!
- What are you doing in this police job?

Oh, I need a health plan
while I'm writing my first book.
What are you doing now?

- I'm curating.
- Excuse me. Excuse me. There's
something here we gotta take care of.

- Okay?
- I'm sorry, Paul. Go ahead.

You do know it's a Federal offence
to destroy a United States post office.

Well, it wasn't like it was
some premeditated act of terrorism.
