- Antelope Wells is right near
the White Sands National Monument.
- Uh-huh.
They've got this fantastic,
uh, hot springs nearby
that not many people know about.
Oh, I wish you could come along and show
me around while Mel meets his family.
- You have the personal days.
You should do it, Paul.
- I can't take time off work right now.
- Unbelievable line at the bathroom!
- I told 'em they gotta get
a bigger bathroom.
Look at him. He loves you.
You're wonderful with children.
Oh, I want one of these
so badly. I'm telling you.
Hey, could you help me out
with an adoption, Tina?
Well, that depends on the specifics
of your situation.
- Well, like what?
- Number one: Are you married?
- Yes.
- Number two: Does your spouse work?
- Yeah.
- And is she willing to adopt?
- You see, that's where the snag is.
Then you've got a real problem.
What would my chances be
as a single parent?
- Excuse me, please.
- Why can't you stay and discuss this?
- 'Cause I believe in privacy,
that's why.
- Right. We have nothing
to be ashamed of, though.
Because I don't want
to share my personal life
with everybody I meet, okay?
She's not just anyone.
She works in an adoption agency.
I thought that she
could be helpful. God!
You know, I keep telling him
that having a baby will reduce stress
by taking his mind off work...
but he just--
he doesn't listen, you know?
So where did you folks come down
on the big circumcision controversy?
'Cause, you know, there's a movement
afoot these days to keep the foreskin...
and, personally, I think a boy's penis
should look just like his father's.
- You know?
- Yeah, mm-hmm.
- Can I have the baby?
Oh, sure. Yeah.
Here we go. Oh, so cute.
My late husband devised
his own anti-erosion system...
that later on we had patented
on the advice of a dear friend...
who was in a law office
with Gerald Ford.
My brother has the same birthday
as President Ford...