This film is dedicatedto the film industry
of a country thatno longer exist.
LOCAL NEWS27.6.1971
Inauguration of the"Brotherhood-Unity Tunnel"
Who says that the forcesof nature
can be madeto work for man?
The skillful hands of ourbuilders have triumphed
once again over rocksand stones,
thus linking the brotherlyregions of our socialist
homeland of Yugoslavia.Comrade Djemal Bjedic
was greeted before guestsfrom all over the Republic,
by the pioneer youth groupsinging our favorite song:
With Marshall Tito,our heroic son,
even the Devil willadmit we have won...
Every tunnel symbolizes bothour path and the light
at its end. The people ofBosnia and Herzegovina
set out on that path onthis very day 30 years ago,
on July 27,1941,and have never veered.
Comrade Djemal spoketo the zealous workers
who made this tunnel possible.He promised to transmit
their warm greetingsto comrade Tito.