'The best part of a kiss,I think,
'is when you see that headcoming towards you
'and you knowthat you're going to get kissed.
'That moment just beforeis so exquisite.'
'I'd never feltthe touch of another person my age.
'The sensation flew through me.'
'I love it.I love kissing.'
'We were addicted tothat being entwined with each other,
'whether it was really positiveor negative.'
'I get this intenselook that says "I'm so mysterious,
"'and there's so much more to methan meets the eye to find out..."'
'I believe in fate,
'so that person will find me,or we'll find each other somehow.'
'It means findinga mirror, the clearest mirror
'and the most loyal mirror,
'so when I love that person, I knowthat they'll shine that back to me.'