Un air de famille

It's a real shame there's no music.
It doesn't work yet?
I'm on the right track, but...
Drink up, Henri.
Drink up. It can't hurt.
On the contrary.

Liven up a little.
Don't turn this into a tragedy!

Don't brood all night long
over this.

You're no pussycat.
She got fed up.
She took a week off for a breather.

A woman needs to breathe, you know.
What worries me...
is Benito.
He acted strangely on the phone.
Remember to call him back.
Yes. He said in half an hour.
He was cold:

"l can't talk now."
He's never very warm.
Yes, but he was colder than usual.
That's what worries me.

I should be on vacation.
I've had enough.
I had a weird dream last night.
We were sitting around a table.
I was holding a big fish.
I was banging it over Mom's head.
A fish?
That's great.
That means money! You'll be rich!

Oh yeah?
Can I open them?
That's what they're for.
Wait. Start with the small one.
It's mine.

That one's Henri's.
It comes second.
You'll understand afterwards.
