Anna Karenina

I saw your lady only once.
I wish I'd spoken up then,
but I did not.

which is why I cannot
remain silent now.

Ever since the death
of my brother,

all I have been searching for are
answers to questions like,

"what am I?" , "why am I here?"
"What am I living for?"
When, suddenly,
it all became clear to me.

I'd been living on spiritual truths
that I'd drunk in with my mother's milk,

but I'd never
acknowledged them.

I know what is right and wrong.
I wasn't taught this..

It was given to me, as it is to everyone.
I discovered nothing.

I merely opened my eyes
to what I knew.

For me it is too late.
As a man, I am finished. As a weapon,
I may be of some use.

Don't think ill of me.
I have lost too much.
All I ask is to be able
to remember Anna as she once was...

when I first met her.
I try to bring back
those moments, but I cannot.

I cannot
see her face.

I can only see her
laid out

in the railway shed
where they took her.

She was...
