Private Parts

Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!

[Needle Scratches Record]
How do I forget it?
It's the single worst moment
in radio history.

It's not radio.
It's college radio.
nobody listening.

Nobody. Maybe, like,
3 guys in a dorm somewhere.

Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck.
I know someone on this block.
Let me think.

Come on.
We're getting wet.

Down here. Down here.
Down here.

[Knock On Door]
Hi, Elyse.
So, we were on our way to a rally
in support of feminism,

and we got caught
in the rain.

I'm wondering if we can come in
and just hang out for awhile.

come on in.

Howard: Can I use
your hair dryer?

Yeah, there's one at the end
of the hall. Hey, Rach.

Hi, Ellen.
This is Howard.

Oh, hi.
My hair's wet.

Put that there.
I'm just going to go
dry my hair.

Hey, I heard you
on the radio today.

You heard that?
Yeah. What happened?
I didn't think anybody
even listened to that.

Alison, this is Howard.
Howard, this is Alison.

one of my roommates.

[Love Is A Many
Splendored Thing Plays]

Hair dryer's
in the bathroom.

Hi. Hi.
Hi, I'm Howard.
Look at you, man.
You can get her.
You can get her.

She looks hot.
[Sniff Sniff Sniff]
How are you?
I'm making a film
for my film class,

and, I mean,
it's a legitimate film.

You won't... You're not gonna
be naked or anything.

You'll have your clothes on,
you know.

What's it about?
Well, I'm glad
you asked me that.

In my, um, psychology class,
we're studying B.F. Skinner,

and I started to realize that
what Skinner says is true...

We're all rats
trapped in a box,

all searching
for a piece of cheese.

And I'm going to shoot it
on Saturday.

I mean, I can't do it

I work with an outpatient program
for schizophrenics.
