I'm Moti,
station manager.
- Howard Stern.
- You want to be a disc jockey?
Very much so.
I've wanted to be a disc jockey
since I was
7 years old.
What are you,
an idiot?
No, sir,
I'm not an idiot.
L... In fact, I have a communications
degree from Boston University,
and I would work very hard
for this company
if given
the opportunity to...
You wanted
to see me?
You came late yesterday.
You came late today.
I don't need you. You're fired.
Fuck you.
Good. Fuck you.
You punk!
Fuck you 1,000%% %!
Fuck you
till your asshole
is perfect
donkey asshole!
In Foreign Language]
you start tomorrow.
10 a.m. To 2 p. M, eh?
Pay $96 a week and don't
bring me your problems.
I'm not psychiatrist.
Thank you very much.
I promise you
I will not disappoint you.
Thank you.
And I start
Wimpy Voice: Westchester 107,
WRNW 107.
Hi, this is Howard Stern,
and it's 75 degrees presently,
winds out of the northwest.
Chance of precipitation,
85%% % for tonight.
Looks like rain.
Tomorrow, partly sunny
at WRNW, Westchester 107.
[Black Sabbath's
Paranoid Plays]
I was sort of living
with Alison
while she worked on her Master's
of social work, which was really great.
I was also still living
with my parents...
Howard's Mother:
Which wasn't so great.
Yeah. Yeah, ma?
I smell smoke.
Are you smoking in there?
No, Ma.
There's no smoke in here.
Wimpy Voice:
107 FM, WRNW.
I'm Howard Stern
with you each and every day,
and I've got a great
two for Tuesday.
107 FM... The Ramones...
Gabba gabba wee,
Gabba gabba hey,
Gabba gabba gabba gabba...
[Increases Volume]