Private Parts

Wimpy Voice: Westchester 107,
WRNW 107.

Hi, this is Howard Stern,
and it's 75 degrees presently,

winds out of the northwest.
Chance of precipitation,
85%% % for tonight.

Looks like rain.
Tomorrow, partly sunny
at WRNW, Westchester 107.

[Black Sabbath's
Paranoid Plays]

I was sort of living
with Alison

while she worked on her Master's
of social work, which was really great.

I was also still living
with my parents...

Howard's Mother:

Which wasn't so great.
Yeah. Yeah, ma?
I smell smoke.
Are you smoking in there?

No, Ma.
There's no smoke in here.

Wimpy Voice:
107 FM, WRNW.

I'm Howard Stern
with you each and every day,

and I've got a great
two for Tuesday.

107 FM... The Ramones...
Gabba gabba wee,

Gabba gabba hey,
Gabba gabba gabba gabba...
[Increases Volume]
Howard, you stink.
I don't mince words.
You will never be a great disc jockey.

You have lousy voice, lousy personality,
and this will not change.

OK? So on the air
is not for you.

But you come on time,
and you are good worker, huh?

how about I make you...
program director?
Program director?
Program... director.
You. You.
You run station.
You... sit.
You pick music.
No more $96 a week.
Eh. I pay you...
you, eh?
$250 a week.
You be management...
like me.

To be quite honest, I didn't really
want to be a programmer.

But at $250 a week,
I could marry Alison,
