Private Parts

I really think this show's
starting to take off.

There's a buzz
on the street about it.

If we just give it a chance,
if we just take some time with it,

I think everything's
gonna be OK.

Don't push
your luck, Howard.

Robin Leach: The countdown to our "Live
Life Like a Millionaire Sweepstakes"

is getting closer.
We're going to
have winners take...

Hi, honey.
Robin Leach says we
should move to Antigua.

Oh, yeah?
Come on, hurry up.

Snap to it.
I'm ovulating.

I'm in the middle of
important show research.

Howard, seriously,
come on.

You know what?
You're getting baby fever here.

And you know, maybe
it's a little premature.

I'm about 3 days away from being fired,
the way I figure it.

And do you want
to know something?

You got to think about
the economics of this.

You're gonna be the best morning man
in the history of radio.

At any minute, you're
gonna be number one.

- Is that so?
- Yeah! Strip!

Let me tell you something.
Look at yourself.

You're completely on fire
about having a baby.

You don't understand.
I'm not a piece of meat.

I mean,
I have to be romanced.

Oh, yeah. Please.
Ooh, look at that bra.
Where did you get that?

You like this?
OK. That's it.
That's it!

I am making a baby!
It's baby time!
I'm ready to give you a baby.

Thank you.
Hold on.
OK. Now I'm hot.
Now I actually
want to have sex.

I didn't before
and now I do.

Announcer On TV:
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous...

Robin, watch this.
What am I doing?
Uh, having a seizure?
No, that's not a seizure.
That's me dancing

because I'm happy
'cause I got laid last night.

- Oh!
- Yeah, I really did.

In fact,
it was not for lust.

It was 'cause I was
making a kid.

- Oh.
- In fact, my wife's eggs are very old.

They're very, you know,
she's getting older.

But my sperm
is like supersperm,

so I'm pretty sure everything
was delivered in one shot.

Oh, yeah.
Your sperm are fine.

My sperm are fantastic.
I'm fantastic.

I'm in a good mood.
Let's take some phone calls

and see what's doing
out there.

- OK.
- Hi, you're on the air.

Woman Caller: Hi,
is this Howard Stern?

This is Howard.
Oh, whoa.
Anyway, I was calling

because I have
a really big problem.

What's your problem?
Well, every morning
I lie in bed,
