
You know how much diesel
that clunker boat pumps out an hour?

I just found out something interesting.
Number two chewed 180 feet last night.

- Who do we have to thank for this?
- I'll give you two guesses.

But you're only gonna need one.
Goddamn it, A.J.!
A.J.! A.J., you in here?
Oh, that's just perfect.
In bed. Get up!

- Uh, hey, you wanted to see me ?
- Yeah, I was lookin' for ya.

You're pissed. Okay, I can see that.
No. You know what, A.J.?
I'm not pissed. You've seen me pissed.

This is way, way beyond pissed,
though. You know I shut down
number two last night, right?

- Yeah, man, I had a hunch on that.
- Let me tell you something.

Someday, many years from now,
when you're all growed up,

and you got your own oil company
and $8 million of your own money
on the contract,

you can do whatever comes into
that little A.J.-idiotin' mind
of yours you want.

But as long as it says
"Harry Stamper Oil" on the rig,
you will not disobey my rules.

- You got that ?
- Yeah, I do got it.

All right, now I need to hear
five words from you.

- Uh--
- I'll--

[ Together ]
Never do that again.

I'm a fool. That was idiotic.
I-l mean, that was stupid.

I'm an idiot. I know
what name's on the sign. I'm not--

- What's goin' on here?
- What's goin' on?

Well, l-l mean, you know,
I screwed up. I'm a little edgy.

- How long you work for me?
- Five wonderful years.

In five years, you have never
apologized to me this quickly.

- Something's going on here.
I'm gonna find out what it is.
- [ Stammering ]

Well, I'm turning over a new leaf.
I'm trying to learn from the man.

What would Harry do?
I'm at a loss for words.
Okay, I can explain this.
- You can explain that?
- I can.

I would really like an explanation.
You just stay right here.

- Hi, Harry.
- I have asked you repeatedly
to call me Dad.

Sorry, Harry.
Get up and get your clothes on.
You just stay right there.
I'll be right back.
