Only debts.
I had an auntie once
who was, though.
You'll never guess
what she collected.
Go on.
Wild bluebirds.
Flyin' all over her house.
Marvelous with 'em
she was and all.
Even taught one of them
to talk once.
Timid little thing, it was.
No bigger... than your thumb.
Too scared
even to leave his cage.
But what she did
was so simple.
All she did was keep it
shaded and safe...
at all times,
and then sing to it
and stroke it...
very, very soft
every day.
And after a while,
it gave her his heart.
when it grew strong,
she set it free.
But before it flew
to its freedom,
it stopped...
on the window ledge.
Then it turned to her...
and, to her great surprise,
See? There she goes.
True story, that.
Which are your dad's
Them three there.
Oh, good.
You know what we'll...
- Oh, no. No.
- What?
No. Well, I, I, I was just
thinking we, we could have
included them, uh, in the, er,
you know... the act.
But we're not doin' it now.
I bet your dad
would have liked that, eh?