Subtitles by Phaeton
The U.S.military presence abroad
was rocked todaywhen a bomb exploded-
In the army barracks
in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
A multinational force-
Ripped the front
off the 8-storymilitary dorm,
exposing just how vulnerableU.S. troops are here.
And marines on duty seem,for the most part,
numbed by the horrorof the morning bombing.
Early indications suggest this
to be the workof Sheik Ahmed Bin Talal,
a radical fundamentalist clericknown to have issued-
The explosion appearsto be the work of terrorists.
And if that is the case,
like all Americans,I am outraged by it.
The cowards who committedthis murderous act
must not go unpunished.
Sand Leader,this is Eagle Eye.
We have a fix on the package.
It is in a Mercedes sedantraveling south-
Com-sat 1,
your coordinatesare as follows.
Package is approachingtarget area.
Estimated time of contactis approximately 1-4 seconds.