U.S. Marshals

-How is he?
-He'll be fine.

How is it to nearly get killed?
If he was trying to kill me, he'd have
shot me in the head, not the vest.

Ever occur to you maybe he just missed?
We're not dealing with a guy
who misses.

Maybe it's time to let someone else
catch this one.

-You don't think I'm incapable--
-You're capable, sure.

Okay, then let me do my job.
Don't make me wrong, Sam.
You screw up and I swear--
I know.
I love you, Sam.
But don't think I won't fire your ass.
Biggs, you and Cooper are staying here.
We're going back to Chicago.

We'll find out who put that gun
on the plane and who Mark Roberts is.

Take us to the airport. Who's got
my gun and credentials?

Look, I made a mistake, okay?
I usually work alone.

We're lucky I got shot, kid.
If he'd shot one of my deputies,
you wouldn't see your mama again...

...I'd be in jail for shooting you.
We're lucky.
I thought we don't
take our work personally.

We don't.
I do.
