I don't know.
Two of them. Dubious characters.
They've got a nerve coming in here.
What did they say about us?
"Call that a samurai?"
Was that all?
Also, "That's the best
the Shinsen can do?"
Our guards heard them,
but thought they were invited.
They let them go.
Long ago, people dared enter.
But now that we're
to maintain order,
no one should ever get inside!
I'm sorry.
Punish me as you see fit.
It's my fault.
Captain lnoue had no part in it.
Kano, don't lose your head.
Calm down and await orders.
Get back to work, all right?
One had a scar on his chin,
and a crest of three stars.
The other was about 25.
He had a strange crest -
crossed battle-axes.
Crossed battle-axes?
I haven't seen that often.
We're not certain,
but they may have Higo accents.
If they are from Higo,
they may want to avenge
their comrades from lkedaya.
Find out.
Right away.
Whom did they see
sparring in the dojo
at that moment?
Captain lnoue and Sozaburo Kano.
They must've been mocking Kano,
for his inexperience.