Son, this has got to stop.
Our house is not
a television station.
There's not a camera
in that wall.
I mean, this is not healthy.
You should be outside playing sports.
But I have
my own sports show.
Andy, you know that's
not what I meant.
Look, I'm gonna put my foot down.
No more playing alone.
- You want to perform, you
have got to have an audience.
- They're right there!
That is not an audience.
That is plaster.
Publikę tworzą ludzie,
ludzie, którzy żyją i oddychają.
Andy Kaufman
i Howdy Doody przedstawiają...
"Piosenka Zwierzaków"!
Ja mówię zwierzę,
a wtedy ty mówisz jaki wydaje ono odgłos
- Oh, the cow goes--
- Moo.
- And the cat goes--
- Meow! Meow!
And the bird goes--
- Tweet, tweet.
- Tweet, tweet!
And the lion goes--
- And the dog goes
- [Audience] Ruff.
- And the cat goes
- Meow.
- And the bird goes
- Tweet.
- And the pig goes
- Oink.
And that's the way
it goes
- [Man] The comedy stylings
of Andy Kaufman.
- Thank you.
So, Mr. Besserman,
same spot tomorrow?
[Sighs] I don't know, Andy.
I think I have to let you go.
You're firing me?
You-- You don't
even pay me.
I don't want to seem insulting,
but your act is like amateur hour.
You're doing sing alongs
for six-year-olds and puppets
that aren't funny.