I've been hearing fabulous things
about the special.
What, did we hit
a little speed bump?
and his name is Colin.
Kid Genius told me to mess
with the vertical hold.
- Pokaż mi.
- Pokaż mu.
Pokaż mu, Colin.
Thanks for having me
on your show, Andy.
Boy, it sure--
[Andy Giggling]
To będzie świetne. Ludzie pomyślą,
że ich telewizor się popsuł.
Wstaną z krzeseł,
podejdą do telewizora,
twist the knobs,
call the TV store.
"Zapłaciłem kupę szmalu
za ten telewizor!"
They'll bang on the television,
but they won't be able to fix it!
Andy. Andy.
We don't want the viewers
to get out of their chairs.
Ale to jest zabawne.
It's a practical joke.
The viewer must be able
to see the program.
But-- But it's only
gonna be for 30 seconds.
- Five.
- Twenty.
- Okay, Andy. Ten seconds, huh?
- Ten seconds, okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Ten seconds is all
I really wanted.
- Ten seconds is perfect.
Wiesz, Howdy, oglądałem Cię
odkąd byłem małym chłopcem.
I didn't even know
what television was.
Oh, look at how cute he is, huh?
Isn't this great?
- That is so moving.
- [Andy] You're as real
as anyone else on the show.
And I love you.
I really do.
This is not funny.
This is artsy-fartsy shit.
I mean, what--
This is the magical part of the show.
The show's not all like this.