That should, uh,
let him blow off steam
and relieve the stress.
- Bob, Bob, Bob.
- Okay?
Andy needs to relax.
This is your job.
- You have to take him away
from all of this.
- My job.
- Would you come on?
- [Muttering] Okay.
- Hi. How are you doin' today?
- Fine.
- Hello. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- How are you?
- Peachy.
- What do-- What do we do now?
- Now you pick.
But what if I...
hurt somebody's feelings?
For Christ's sake, you're not
gonna hurt anybody's feelings.
They're-- They're all professionals.
All right?
All right.
Which one?
[German Accent]
I will have both!
I will have this fraulein
und the one with the big strudels.
Mach schnell,
mach schnell!
Oh, no. Zmuda,
I'm gonna kill you.
Excellent choice.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Are you having
a good day?
[Clears Throat]
It's kind of a big day.
It's my buddy's first time
with a prostitute.
What are you talkin' about?
Andy comes here almost every weekend.
Who, Andy?
Oh, he doesn't always
call himself that.
Sometimes he's Tony,
and he wears a tux.
- Yeah
- Oh, ho!