$2000, gentleman in the
striped tie there.
$3000, Yvonne on the telephone.
$4000. $5000.
$6000. $7000. $8000.
Against the telephone at $8000.
Against the room at $8000.
Anyone can join in.
Thank you. $9000. $ 1 0,000.
$ 1 1 ,000. $ 1 2,000. Any more?
She's still talking, but now
she's got her mum on the line.
So sold to you, sir, for $ 1 2,000.
You are bidder number 909.
Moving on. Lot number 84.
Oil on canvas, dated 1 870.
La femme chez Aube,
which translates as:
''Woman with massive bottom.''
This one is signed
by Rudolf Waldemar...
...authenticated by no less
than Dr. Briskind...
...and bidding up here at $ 1 4,000.
Fifteen at the back.
Sixteen, lady left of the center aisle.
Seventeen. Eighteen.
Nineteen. Twenty.
Twenty-one. Twenty-two.
No more?
All through.
All done. And--
Yes! Thank you, sir.
New bidder. Gentleman
on the left of the aisle, $24,000.
Not really. lt's a cruel joke.