You are bidder number 909.
Moving on. Lot number 84.
Oil on canvas, dated 1 870.
La femme chez Aube,
which translates as:
''Woman with massive bottom.''
This one is signed
by Rudolf Waldemar...
...authenticated by no less
than Dr. Briskind...
...and bidding up here at $ 1 4,000.
Fifteen at the back.
Sixteen, lady left of the center aisle.
Seventeen. Eighteen.
Nineteen. Twenty.
Twenty-one. Twenty-two.
No more?
All through.
All done. And--
Yes! Thank you, sir.
New bidder. Gentleman
on the left of the aisle, $24,000.
Not really. lt's a cruel joke.
Sold to you, sir, for $23,000...
...or $ 1 1 ,500 per buttock.
Lot number 85.
German school.
Od und Kleer das Meer.
This is very embarrassing.
lt now turns out that lots 85 through
to the end of your catalog...
...are, in fact, not actually here.
Delivery problem.
lf it's any consolation, we feel
as stupid as l'm sure we look.
Thank you very much.
This is pathetic!
lt's a nightmare.
We're a laughingstock.
-They just showed up.
-The trucks?
Just in time for the end of the auction.
Remind me to thank them.
Helen, everything's fixed for tonight?