l just want you to know,
if l've said anything...
...or done anything in the past
that in any way offended you...
...l'm very deeply sorry.
-Are you okay?
Yes, l'm fine. l was just....
The delivery was complete
and on time. lt was a bit of a shock.
l can imagine.
Morganson's here.
l thought you could soften him up
a bit, then l'll move in for the kill.
We do like to think we can...
...match Sotheby's in qualities
most important to any auction house.
One being, obviously, a tradition
of unquestioned respectability.
And the other being,
for want of a better word...
...shall we say, ''class.''
l know Mr. Cromwell
is anxious to talk to you.
l'm sorry. l'm confused.
What's the problem?
Mr. Graziosi wants me
to auction it for $50,000.
People would pay $50,000 just to avoid
being in the same room as this thing.
Michael, please.
Your trucks show up on time for
the first time in God knows how long.
And you get to give a little happiness
to an important friend.
What's the matter?
l thought you'd be happy.
No. Mr. Vitale--
No, Dad.