One being, obviously, a tradition
of unquestioned respectability.
And the other being,
for want of a better word...
...shall we say, ''class.''
l know Mr. Cromwell
is anxious to talk to you.
l'm sorry. l'm confused.
What's the problem?
Mr. Graziosi wants me
to auction it for $50,000.
People would pay $50,000 just to avoid
being in the same room as this thing.
Michael, please.
Your trucks show up on time for
the first time in God knows how long.
And you get to give a little happiness
to an important friend.
What's the matter?
l thought you'd be happy.
No. Mr. Vitale--
No, Dad.
You don't understand. This is exactly
what Gina said would happen.
lf she even found out that
this thing had been sent over here--
You're early.
Just on the phone with your dad.
Let me talk.
You got my message?
Great. And everything's
okay for tomorrow?
And tomorrow at noon
is okay for the fittings?
Well, here's the deal.
l'm gonna be there...
...and Carol's gonna
come along too, to take photos.
She's doing the whole wedding,
so be nice.
We have to talk
about the wedding reception.
Now, l know you and Mom used Louie's--
Hold on.