Bill talked to me about it.
Yeah. Did you get that memo?
PETER: Yeah, I got the memo,
and I understand the policy...
and the problem is just
that I forgot the one time...
and I've already
taken care of it...
so it's not even really
a problem anymore.
Ah! Yeah.
It's just we're putting
new cover sheets...
on all the T.P.S. reports
before they go out now...
so if you could go ahead
and try to remember...
to do that from now on,
that'd be great.
All right!
[Telephone rings]
NINA: Just a moment.
Corporate accounts payable.
Nina speaking.
Peter Gibbons.
NINA: Corporate accounts
payable. Nina speaking.
Just a moment.
I have the memo.
SAMIR: No. Not again. I--
Why does it say paper jam
when there is no paper jam?
I swear to God,
one of these days....
I just kick this piece of shit
out the window.
MICHAEL: You and me both, man.
That thing is lucky
I'm not armed.
Piece of shit.
PEGGY: "Samir...
-No. Thanks.
SAMIR: Please.
That's me.
Wow! ls that your real name?
MICHAEL: Yeah. Ahem.
So are you related
to that singer guy?
It's just a coincidence.
SAMIR: No one in this country
can pronounce my name right.
It's not that hard.
"Na-ee" and then "anajaad."
MICHAEL: At least your name
isn't Michael Bolton.
SAMIR: You know, there's
nothing wrong with that name.
MICHAEL: There was
nothing wrong with it...
until I was
about twelve years old...
and that no-talent
ass clown became famous...
and started winning Grammys.
Well, why don't you just go
by Mike instead of Michael?
MICHAEL: Why should I change?
He's the one who sucks.
Hey, guys.
MICHAEL: What's up, G?
Wanna go to Chotchkie's,
get some coffee?