- Do you want a beer?
- l'd love a beer.
(canned laughter)
(shouting, laughter)
(music, drunken shouting)
(Nick) Watch the Drambuie settle.
And it's called depth charge.
lt's guaranteed to blow
your fuckin' head off.
Are you ready?
Let's do it. Let's have it.
And two!
And three!
- Bottoms up!
- Bottoms up!
Hey! Pretty women!
What are you waiting for?
Come on!
- Come on!
- Tough shit, George.
Your charm's just not working tonight.
Stuck-up bitches!
- l bet they're Singapore air hostesses.
- Flight lieutenants, if you don't mind!
Chocks away!
Flight lieutenants...!
Help 'em to decide if they wanna come in
or if they don't wanna come in.
Let's give 'em a hand and moon 'em!
That should help 'em decide.
Come on, don't be shy!
Your mother wasn't!
l love this man.
- On three?
- lt worked before.
lt could work again. One...
Two! Three!
Bottoms up!
That is disgusting!
(Danny) What'll it be, you old bastard?
Absolutely brilliant, Nick!
Drinks are on me.
Enough depth charges
to sink a battleship!