Runaway Bride

The brush-off.
I've witnessed far more...
treacherous and nefarious exits
than that.

At least she castigated you
in private.

Not as private as I thought.
Kevin, you got some napkins there?

- Wiping or writing?
- I'll let you know.

They love you.
They hate you.

They're hot.
They're cold. They're high.

They're up. They're down.
This is fun making a list with you,
but I do have a column to write.

But you have yet to find
a really superb idea.

There's a girl from my hometown
that you could write about.

Excuse me,
but we don't need any ideas.

She likes to dump grooms at the altar.
They call her the "Runaway Bride."

She's performed the travesty
seven or eight times.

Turns around, runs like hell.
Bolts. Adios.

Plows down the aisle,
knocking old ladies out of her way...

Like the Running of the Bulls
in Pamplona.

And guess what!
She's got the next victim all lined up.

She's turning another body
on the spit.

Okay, Italics, here we go.

[Ike's Voice] Today is
a day of profound introspection.

I have been accused
of using this column...

to direct bitter diatribes
at the opposite sex.

This uncomfortable accusation...
has plunged me into at least 15 minutes
of serious reflection,

from which I have emerged...
with the conclusion that, yes,
I traffic in female stereotypes.
