Range: 6,783 and closing.
Sixty-five minutes
until Mars Orbital Capture.
Okay, people, let's look sharp. We're
gonna run this simulation onemore time.
Remember, if we overshoot,
there's no coming back.
[Phil] Yeah, and drifting through
eternity will ruin your whole day.
Okay, Delta-Vsystems initialized.
- [Woody]Charge primary A.P. U.
- [Machinery Whirring]
Engaged and charged.
Select H.P. U. fuel cells forrun.
- [Terri] Engaged.
- [Jim] Tie main bus to systems.
- [Phil] Power ready.
- [Jim] Select H202 H.P. U.
and fuel cells for open.
H202 fuel valves open.
Charge flow.
- [Woody]ResetP. W.
- Set.
[Jim] Transfer protocol
data from E. V.A. station.
Awaiting track confirmation.
- Ah !
-Jesus. Oh !
[Alarms Blaring]
Kill those alarms!
[Alarms Stop]
- Critical systems alert.
- Breach hit's in the hull.
- We're outgassing, losing pressure.
- Woody, seal the breach.
Itlooks like
it's behind jim 's helmet.
Ninety percent atmosphere.
Critical systems alert.
Critical systems alert.