[Air Hissing]
[Phil] We're losing pressure fast.
We're gonna decompress.
- [Hissing Continues]
- Computer, how long
till zero atmosphere ?
Four minutes, nine seconds.
[Jim] We're still outgassing
in the lower hab.
There must be another hole down there.
It's gotta be a big one.
[Woody]Everybodyswitch to
suitoxygen.Jim, you've got theship.
- I'm going E. V.A.
- Copy.
Come on, people.
Let's work the problem.
Eighty percent atmosphere.
Jim, you've got to go get
your spare helmet.
Copy that,Jim ?
There's no time.
All the systems have crashed.
I gotta shut down the hab
from below.
We're losing pressure,Jim.
You could embolize.
Seventy percent atmosphere.
Phil, you've got to get
the nav computers back on-line.
I've got an idea.
If you guys can save
enough atmosphere,
I'll disconnect the power in the main
computer bay and jump-start the systems.
- I'd basically be doing a hard boot.
- Has that been tested ?
Are you kidding ?
[ Chuckling ]
These machines
are way too expensive.
- Do it.
- Okay.
I think this'll work.