What Women Want

[ Chuckles ]
All right.

So, we're in a bedroom,
the lights are out.

There's a woman in bed,
and she's taking an Advil.

Her husband suggestively
rubs her back, and we say, ''Advil.

''So mild and gentle,
you can take it...

even when you're
faking a headache.''

[ Laughter ]
Woman turns to her husband and says,
''Not tonight, I need an Advil. ''

- He's back.
- [ Laughs ]

What ? Come on. That doesn't
reach women on a personal level ?

- No.
- Women do that, don't they ?

- I don't.
- No ?

Sue Cranston, you've done that,
haven't you ? Faked a headache to--

No, Nick, I haven't.
Thanks for asking.

No, wait, wait, wait.
Be honest now.

I mean, you've been married
what, ten, twelve years ?

You've never faked a headache ?
lt doesn't work like a charm ?

No, Nick, I haven't.
I mean, no, it doesn't,
okay ? Jeez.

- [ Thinking ] What an asshole !
- I guess I'm off base here.

What's good is you're looking at
Advil from a woman's point of view.

Um, I don't think Advil
will go for it,

and I'm pretty sure every woman
in America will hate it.

Other than that,
I thought it was great.

You're on the right track.
Hang in there. Go ahead.

Great antenna there, babe.
The poodle give you that one ?

- [ Screams ]
- What are you doing home early ?
- I have my first migraine.

This is hideous. My boyfriend
feeling me up in front of my father.

Don't think anything. The outlook
wasn't good for the Mudville Nine.
