-You still caught up in that shit?
-It'll be fucking great.
The three of us and some hottie,
doing high-fives over her back.
The ultimate sexual plateau.
Fuck the plan.
I'm just trying to find
some chick I can relate to.
-Some girl I actually respect.
-Why can't we find girls like us?
Dude, all girls masturbate.
Fuck you. That's not what I meant.
Why are you always...?
Im kidding. I understand
what you're saying.
It'd be cool to find a hot chick
that also cared about
the same shit we do.
Some little snappy you don't
want to kick out of bed
-right after you throw your web.
-I hear you.
-Is that too much to ask?
-Good fucking luck.
Oh, no.
-Who the hell invited him?
-I did. He used to be one of us.
Exactly, he used to be.
Then the asshole got married.
When you pass the ring,
you lose the sting.
You might as well chop
your dick off at the altar.
-Hey, Eric. Have a seat.
Zeke, Brad. What's up?
Same old.
What the fuck's that?
My wife says I have
chronic halitosis.
She makes me spray this shit
into my mouth every hour.
Lend it to Brad.
Fuck you.
Don't worry about it.
where you guys been?
I haven't seen you in forever.
Dude, you're married.
We no longer have anything in common.
-Im still the same guy.
-No you're not.
You're married. Face it.
You think I don't got stories?
About your wife?
Come on, that's nasty.
You saying we don't do kinky shit?
Im sure you do, but it's
like your wife, man.
That's got to be a bit sacred.
lf it was a girl we don't know,