hanging around outside
a store selling pot.
We don't smoke pot, yo.
No pot, huh?
What do you use this for?
What? l have a wiping problem.
l stick those
little pieces of paper...
up my brown eye and bam!
No shit stains in my undies.
What, you don't believe me?
Let me show you.
Check this shit out.
Spread my cheeks...
so that he can see
the fucking stink nuggets.
Pull up your fucking pants,
Let's go. Let's go.
We're going down to the station.
JAY: What, is it a fucking
crime to fart? Motherfucker!
BRODlE: No fucking way.
Dante and Randall slapped you
with a restraining order?
Ain't that about a bitch?
So, are you going to abide
by the court's ruling...
or are you going to go
"Bandit," Reynolds style?
JA Y: Thejudge said if we
go within a hundred feet...
of the stores,
we get thrown into County.
You know what they
make you do in County?
Toss the salad.
l guess if you guys
really wanted...
to hang out in front
of a convenience store...
you couldjust
buy your own now...
what with all that money
you guys made.
Hell, yeah, bitch.
Wait a sec. What money?
The money from the "Bluntman
and Chronic" movie.
Oh, my God. Don't tell me
you have no idea...
there's a movie being made...
of the comic you two
were the basis for.
What? Since when?
Here's the pulse, all right?
And this is your finger--
far from the pulse,
jammed straight up your ass.
Say, would you like
a chocolate-covered pretzel?
You see, kids,
if you read "Wizard"...
you'd know that it's
the top story this month.
Check it out.
JA Y: When the fuck
did this happen?
BRODlE: Well, after "X-Men"
hit at the box office...
all the studios
started buying up...
every comic property
they could get...
their dirty little hands on.
Miramax optioned
"Bluntman and Chronic."
Miramax? l thought they only
made classy pictures...
like "The Piano"
or "The Crying Game."
Yeah, well, once they made
"She's All That"...
everything went to hell.
So you're saying you haven't
gotten a monetary cut...
of the movie?
Didn't Holden McNeil
and Banky Edwards...
used to pay you likeness
rights for the comic book?