So, here we go. Now, this
is the shoot-back section.
This is where the people
who read the news...
get to chime in
with their two cents.
For example,
we got a guy here...
with the chick magnet
net handle "Wompa One"...
opining on what he thinks
about "Bluntman and Chronic. "
He says, "Bluntman and Chronic
and their stupid alter egos...
"Jay and Silent Bob only work
in small doses, if at all.
"They don't deserve
their own movie. "
-He's got a point.
-Fuck him.
What's the next one say?
This is entitled "Fuck Them
Up Their Stupid Asses."
"'Bluntman and Chronic' is
the worst comic l ever read.
"Jay and Silent Bob
are stupid characters--
"a couple of stoners who spout
dumb-ass catch phrases...
"like a third-rate
Cheech and Chong...
"or Bill and Ted.
"Fuck Jay and Silent Bob.
"Fuck them
up their stupid asses."
Who the fuck said that shit?
A guy who calls himself
"Magnolia Fan."
All right, here,
check this one out.
"Jay and Silent Bob
are one-notejokes...
"that only stoners laugh at.
"They're fucking clown shoes."
"lf they were real, l'd beat
the shit out of them...
"for being so stupid.
"l, for one, will be
boycotting this movie.
"Who's with me?"
Then there's, like,
fifty more posts...
of people who are joining
Spartacus's here boycott.
l'm gonna kill all these fucks.
Let it go, man. They're
not talking about you guys.
They're talking about
Bluntman and Chronic.
They said Jay and Silent Bob.
They used our real names.
lt doesn't matter if there's
a comic book version of us...
and a real version...
because no one knows
we're real in real life.
All these people
reading that shit...
think the real
Jay and Silent Bob...
are a couple jerkoffs...
because of what all
these dickheads are writing...
about the comic book
Jay and Silent Bob.
Maybe one night
me and Lunch Box are out...
we're mackin' some chick
and shit, and she's, like...
"Ooh, l wanna suck
youse guys' dicks off"...
and she's, like,
"What's your names?"
And l'm, like,
"Jay and Silent Bob."
And she's like, "Oh,
l've read on the lnternet...
"that fuckin' youse guys...
"are a couple of little
fuckin' jerkoffs."
And then she goes and sucks two
other guys' dicks off instead.
Well, fuck that.
We gotta put a stop...
to these fuckin' hateful
sons of bitches...
before they ruin our good names.
First of all, l don't know
how good your names are.
Second of all, there's
not much you can do...
about stopping this bile.