Your love is like bad medicine
Bad medicine is what l need
Whoa oh oh, shake it up
Just like bad medicine
There ain't no doctor
that can cure my disease
Bad medicine
[Music stops]
l ain't got a fever
Got a permanent disease
[Music stops]
lt'll take more than a doctor
To prescribe a remedy
l got all the symptoms,
count 'em, 1, 2, 3
First l need
That's what you get
for falling in love
You get a little,
but it's never enough
On your knees
That's what you get
for falling in love
Oh, my God.
Do you get free refills
with that?
Oh, what, this?
No, l use this
for protection, you know...
so no guys try to grab
my shit or anything.
Ha ha!
Hi, l'm Justice.
And l am so fuckin' yours.
l mean, hi. l'm Jay...
and this is my hetero
life mate Silent Bob.
lt's nice to meet you.
JA Y: Justice, huh?
That's a nice name.
[Quietly] Jay and Justice
Sittin' in a tree
So, you come around here often?
Oh, l'm not from around here.
My friends and l
are on a road trip.
Your friends, huh?
Where they at?
JUSTlCE: Oh. Let's see.
Out there by that van.
Unconceivable, unbelievable
Grammar like a hammer,
information receivable
Sent by the Lord,
here and abroad
With words that were thought
they could retort
For force because that makes
run the boss
So get lost because
ljust tossed the poss