lt's time
we wrote something back.
Type this shit down.
All you motherfuckers
are gonna pay.
You all are the ones
who are the ball-lickers.
We're gonna fuck
your mothers while you watch...
and cry like
little whiny bitches.
Once we get to Hollywood
and find those Miramax fucks...
who is makin' the movie...
we're gonna make them
eat our shit...
then shit out our shit...
and then eat their shit
that's made up of our shit...
that we made 'em eat.
And then all you motherfucks
are next.
Love, Jay and Silent Bob.
[Gunshot on computer]
JA Y: That'll show those fucks.
Now we can eat
our Egg-a-Mooby Muffin...
then get back on the road...
go to Hollywood,
and stop those fucks...
from makin' that movie.
No more hairy-bush nuns,
no more dogs.
We keep our eye on the prize
and let nothing...
and l mean nothing,
distract us.
[Cow moos]
Holy shit.
Your love is like bad medicine
Bad medicine is what l need
Whoa oh oh, shake it up
Just like bad medicine
There ain't no doctor
that can cure my disease
Bad medicine
[Music stops]
l ain't got a fever
Got a permanent disease
[Music stops]
lt'll take more than a doctor
To prescribe a remedy
l got all the symptoms,
count 'em, 1, 2, 3
First l need
That's what you get
for falling in love
You get a little,
but it's never enough
On your knees
That's what you get
for falling in love