Did you say "no problem"?
Yeah. Fuck,
we steal monkeys all the time.
Right, Lunch Box?
Well, it's not like
it's a bad thing.
l mean, it's for a good cause.
Oh, it's for the best cause,
ma cherie--the cause of love.
-What the heck is that?
-What's what?
Snoogans, l believe it was.
What the fuck
do you think it means?
-lt means l'm kidding.
-Oh. Well, that's too bad.
[Music plays quietly]
l can't believe
l'm gonna get some pussy
For stealing the monkey
Stealing the little monk--
lf l had known
that shit earlier...
man, l'd have been
stealin' monkeys...
since l was, like,
seven and shit.
Don't, motherfucker.
Don't you ruin this for me.
Me and Justice are gonna
get married one day...
so don't be giving me
no look like, "Oh...
"we ain't gonna steal
the monkey and shit."
l'm Morris Day,
you're Jerome, bitch.
Don't forget that.
That girl--
that girl's in love with me.
They're gonna do it.
Good. They do their part,
and we'll do ours.
Oh, hey, remember. We meet
back here when you're done.
You sure you're OK with this?
As sure as l am that you're
the hottest bitch l ever seen.
-Easy, tigress.
What's twistin'
this bitch's tit?
Maybe it's because women don't
like to be called bitches, Jay.
They don't?
How 'bout "fine piece of ass"?
How about not?
What the fuck am l supposed
to call you, then?
Something sweet, you big goof.
Something nice.
Boo-Boo Kitty-Fuck?
[Justice laughs]
OK, that's a start.
Jay, uh, before you go...
could you say something into
the camera about the clitoris?
Man, you're such a bitch!