that the Federal Wildlife
Marshal office persecutes gays.
Are you fuckin' crazy?
Now, they may be gay...
but that's not their son.
That's the ape.
l think l would recognize
an ape if l saw one, OK?
And the only thing
l do recognize right now...
is the political fiasco here
that l'm about to avoid...
by letting this butt-fucking
Brady Bunch go.
You are free to leave, sirs.
Yes, you sirs.
-So we can just go?
-Yes, sir.
Please accept my apologies...
for detaining you
and your unorthodox...
but constitutionally
protected family unit.
l might add that's
one fine-looking boy...
you're raising there.
Hell, yeah. That's
'cause he's from my sperm.
See, l knocked up this
hot woman friend of ours...
who l fuck on the side...
so l'm not to be
all the way gay...
He loves the cock.
Well, he certainly
looks insatiable.
[Monkey squeaks]
Well, it's not my way,
but l'll be damned...
if there doesn't go
one happy family.
WlLLENHOLLY: All right, gang.
Let's just shoot
some tear gas into the diner...
and then, when the guys
come out with the monkey--
Fuck beans!
That was them, wasn't it?
Shit, l said you love the cock.
l gotta be the craftiest
motherfucker alive.
Flee, fat ass, flee!
Head for the sewer!
Stage dive!
You fat fuck.
Fire a warning shot
into his bulbous ass.