The year is 1893.
A small village inthe heart of India.
The people of Champanerdepended on agriculture...
... like those inthousands of villages.
A British cantonmentbordered the village.
Two miles south, beyondthe cantonment, was the fort...
... of the Rajahof this province.
The British protected the Rajah'sdomain from neighbouring attacks.
They also promised the other Rajahsprotection from this Rajah.
Thanks to this double-dealing,the British...
... collected a tax from the Rajahs...
...paid by every farmerin the country.
The submission of a portionof the farmer's harvest...
... to the Rajah as tax.
Every Rajah collected lagaan fromvillages under his rule.
The Rajah would keep one share...
...and give the rest to the British.
In this way, the British fistgrew iron strong.
Like thousands of villagesacross the country...
... the farmers of Champanertoiled on empty bellies...
...and paid taxes to the Rajahevery year.