What else did Goyko say?
When's the recording?
Which studio?
You'll find out. Don't Worry,
We're doing it.
There's a party tonight.
Big place, lots of young
inexperienced chicks.
I can tell We're gonna score!
Concentration, Mare,
and We're sure to score.
Raya told me that there'd
be some college chicks.
It'll be like: 'et's swap notes.
What's your
average?' Get it?
They study real hard, and then.
Shit, man. I need some action!
Way to go, thunderbird!
Goyko the Tit, eh? I don't knoW.
He says 1 50 bucks is
enough for one session?
He's not thrilled,
but he'll do it for us.
Hell, We've knoWn
each other for years.
Chill out. It's all settled.
Just so there aren't any problems.
Problems? What problems?
I'm kidding, man.
What's up With you?
Chill out. We'll go there
and get the job done.
Is everything OK? Honestly?
Everything. I sWear.
What's With you?
Just so it's not the same old.
sitting in front of
the store, drinking in
silence. -Never again.
Hi! How's things?
You're late.
Sit doWn.
Ugly hat, man.