Hell, We've knoWn
each other for years.
Chill out. It's all settled.
Just so there aren't any problems.
Problems? What problems?
I'm kidding, man.
What's up With you?
Chill out. We'll go there
and get the job done.
Is everything OK? Honestly?
Everything. I sWear.
What's With you?
Just so it's not the same old.
sitting in front of
the store, drinking in
silence. -Never again.
Hi! How's things?
You're late.
Sit doWn.
Ugly hat, man.
You knoW, I've been thinking.
We've knoWn each other a long time.
I don't feel like doing this for you.
It sounds kind of angry to me.
What do you reckon?
Yeah, it is kind of angry but.
Wait! et me finish!
I've decided not to help you after all.
This is a your chance to make.
.something completely neW.
An experiment.
isten to him! An experiment?
I don't think so.
Your music seems kind of stupid.
What's all that doo-doo,
ts-ts, tick-tick.
And then?.nothing.
But, it's the first
Serbian drum'n'bass!
They'll kill for it. Shit, it'll be like.
Check out this
spread on 'Bedrock'.
It's incredible. Business is great.
ive gigs every night.
Kids come here nonstop.
They're real stupid. and ugly.
Alright. Give me our
money and I'll split.