Looks like you haveyour hands tied up.
Oh, l live nextdoor in room 505.
Nice to meet you.
Not much to unpack, huh?You don't seem like a student.
l'm a taxi driver.
Oh, l see. Have a cigarette?l just ran out.
l can't believe they didn'tmatch the wall papers.
- Really?- They used cheap ones.
This old fridge isfrom the barber shop.
The owner said it's still usable.
Usable?He only brought junk up here.
l'll just take whatever l need.
He's such a greedy bastard.
He keeps renting outrooms even when
this place will be rebuilt soon.
Did most of thetenants move out?
Yeah, most of them.
Anyway, it's nice to have
a new neighbor around.
- Well, l'll see you later.- Okay, take care.