Training Day

Good morning, sir.
No, thank you, ma'am.
Get some chow in you.
My dollar.

Thank you, sir, but I ate.
Fine. Don't.
It's nice here.
May I read?
-I'm sorry, sir. I--
-Thank you.

-I'll get something to eat.
-Hell, no you won't. You fucked up.

I'm trying to read. Please shut up.
I'll like not being in a hot
black and white all summer.

Tell me a story, Hoyt.
-Like my story?
-Not your story, a story.

Since you can't shut up
so I can read, tell me a story.

-I don't know any.
-You don't?

-I'll tell you one.

This is a newspaper, right?
It's 90 percent bullshit.

But it's entertaining. So I read it.
It entertains me. You won't let me
read it, so you entertain me.

Tell me a story now. Go.
-There was a DUI stop.
-A DUI stop?

Let me load up!
-A DUl? Oh, shit!
-Well, l--

-Listen, we were on midwatch--
-We who?
