Riber, hold this ...
Blunt hook.
No, no aneurysm.
Let's locate
the communicans anterior.
l'm sure it'll be all right.
They are very good.
Damn it, she's bleeding.
Riber, hold it there ... there!
Dissector ...
What's her blood pressure?
- 50 ... no measurable diastolic.
Anatomical tweezers ...
l can't see a thing.
Dissector ...
- No measurable blood pressure.
Her pupils are dilated.
l'm sorry.
We lost her.
No ... no ... no.
You can't take pot luck
when you're operating on the brain.
You have to know where to look.
So when the fishing boy came in -
- a couple of months later,
l didn't dare not use Thorotrast.