At kende sandheden

l'm sorry.
We lost her.

No ... no ... no.
You can't take pot luck
when you're operating on the brain.

You have to know where to look.
So when the fishing boy came in -

- a couple of months later,
l didn't dare not use Thorotrast.

You must tell people what things
were like; for the patients' sake.

The press would distort
anything l said.

Go to the Medical Journal.
- l can't see! How can l write?

Record it on tape.
l'll transcribe it for you.

lt'd take ages.
- lt's your duty.

From Knoblau's point of view
it's medical negligence -

- and a cover-up by
the Medical-legal Council.

Mum, l'll be off now.
- Did you calm him down?

l've certainly
given him something to do.
