I always believedthat love was fairly uncomplicated.
You found the perfect woman,gorgeous but practical.
You married, settled downwith children, minivan, mortgage...
...and lived quietly, predictably,happily ever after.
That was my dreamuntil she came into my life.
Her name is Charlene.She's an art student.
No way.
She's visiting here from New York.
Her grandmother's setting upsome art exhibit or something...
No way. The last time you set me up...
Did I ask you to take her out? No.
I just asked you to pick her upfrom the airport and...
...show her the sights of Salt Lakeon your way to her parent's house.
Then dinner, if she's hungry.
Sounds like a date to me.
She's here on vacation.She just wants to see the sights.
So send Mom.
Her father seems to thinkyou two might hit it off.
Her father?
My new regional manager.
The plot thickens.
Look, all I want you to dois pick her up, show her the sights...
...take her home. Simple. Easy.
Well then I'll take her to Temple Squareand buy her a milk shake.
You can do better than that.It's only one night.
Please. As a favor to me.