You know, l've always thought that.
l mean it 's got no brim.
Doesn't cover your ears.
lt 's not a hat, it 's a goddamn cap!
That 's what it is.
Why do you have a pen
attached to your hip?
Because l am the fastest draw
on the West.
l had a bit of a mishap in my prom. l
don't put pens in my pockets anymore.
lt 's a bit of a long story.
You ever think how far
an artist hand has traveled?
Look at yourself sketching.
Your fingers are in constant motion.
Every time you shade the pen moves
a couple inches asecond...
that 's gotta add up.
This hand has traveled long distances.
Specially in the shower.
Seriously. Do you know what my
favorite part of being an artist is?
lt 's the most honest profession
in the world.
How's that?
You can pretty much fake being good
in any other profession.
but, as an artist, either your
drawing is good or it 's bad.
Artists just have to lay
everything on the line.
Wait asecond.
l've seen this somewhere before.
Here's the album
you wanted to borrow.
lt took me a long time to find it,
l never listen to them anymore.
Welcome. How to see your ex- girlfriend
and live to tell about it.
That is the subject of today's class.
Sam, you didn't have to concoct some
story about wanting to borrow music...
just to have an excuse to see me.
First the guy must act nice to prove
he can handle the breakup entirely.
No, l really wanted
to borrow the album.
But it is great to see you. You finally
got your forehead pierced. Looks good.
Being nice only makes the ex think
he wants to get back together...
so she with undisguised pleasure
reminds him...
that she is the dumper
and he is the dumpee.
l'm flattered you called,
but l broke up with you, remember?
This doesn't mean that l want
to hook up with you again.