Hollywood Ending

You guys probably
don't have pillow talk.

He probably has sex
with you while he's
on the cellular phone.

Okay, you know what?
You're fine.
I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey, Ellie, don't go.
Ellie, for God's sakes,
you gotta put me to bed.

You know,
Al always tucks me in.

Well, he's your agent.
There's no limit
to what they do.

- [Sighs]
- Ellie, come on.

You used to be
very maternal toward me.

You were infantile.
You needed it.

Except in bed.
Then you were a hot number.

I was a small-town girl and you
were on the cutting edge
of everything.

So how did I go
from the cutting edge
to the buttering edge?

How did I end up
in a mess like this?

Hey, this is
not the first time
we've been in trouble.

We've had some
pretty sticky situations.

- Not... No. Not like this.
- Yes, 'cause I can recall them.

We... There...
You know, it wasn't all...

We've had our... our
share of situations...

no question about it.
Like losing our car
in a crap game?

That was a disaster.

I told you at the time,
never trust a male
with a fixed nose.

But you didn't listen.
You know, it was humiliating for us.

Do you remember staying up
all night in paris
listening to jazz...

and ending up
in jail somehow?

Hey, to this day
I can't figure out
how you got us into jail.

- How I...
- It was the only time
in my life.

As I recall,
it was your shoplifting.

'Cause you had to have
chocolate croissants...

and I'd left my wallet
back at the hotel.

You know.
You were so demanding
all the time.

No, it was your command
of the language.

Never use the familiar
with a policeman.

It's funny 'cause
my unfulfilled life dream...

is that you and I would
live in paris together.

You know, I was willing...
and you were the one
who always lost your nerve.

It's funny, though. It
seems like so long ago now.

It's amazing how things
change, isn't it?
