Children, what are you doing?"
Grandpa, this is my palace."
I am the king of this palace.
Radha is the queen of this palace.
All right. That is fine.
And where am I in your palace?
You too are here.You are the minister.
"I'm the minister, you'rethe king and Radha, the queen."
"Your Royal Highnesses,please come for dinner."
"No, let Mummy return from thehospital. Then we'll eat together."
Mummy is home!
Later, kids..."
What's the matter?Need something again?
Father, my husband is serious."
The doctor says if he isn'toperated upon immediately...
he won't survive.
What is the point in thatdrunk gambler's living?
Save him for now.
Then I'll never ask you for help.
I've helped you so many times.
"Anyway, all that you seedoes not belong to me."
It's kept with me intrust by my late friend.