I used to be friendswith this guy.
His name was Ken Park.
His name spelled backwards wasKrap Nek, and I used to tease him.
One day after schoolI heard he blew his brains out.
I don't think I had anything to dowith it, but l still feel guilty.
Krap Nek.
This is Krap Nekwhen he was age 11.
His mother told me he was buriedin his lucky motorcycle jacket.
She said his toothbrushis missing.
She told me thatshe could feel his spirit.
From left to right:There's Claude, Peaches,
Mike, Tate,and that's me on the end.
Shawn's my name.
We all live in a little townin California called Visalia.
It's pretty boring but sometimeswhen we get together we have fun.
Shawn is one of my best friends.
He's young,but he's kind of smart.
Once we were driving and he threwa tennis ball at an old lady.
He made us stop the car.He got out and apologized.
-Do you love me?-No, I hate you.
-Say it, you little bitch!-Get off me!
-Say I'm the master!-Get off me!
Say I'm the master!
-"Shawn, master of the universe."-Fuck you, motherfucker!
-Get off! You're not, you faggot!-Say you love me.
-Say I'm the master!-I hate you, you freaking faggot!
-You're a loser!-You just can't fucking say it.
-Say you love me.-Get off!
Say you love me, bitch.
I hate you!
Say I'm the master,say you love me!
I love you.
Don't cry.
Oh, God!
You love me and I love you.Go to school.