I thinkwe all tryto maintain
a certain anonymitywhilewe're there.
No, I have to disagree
with you there.
I really love working out.
I mean, granted, it is
a little narcissistic, as you say,
but I reallyget a high,
you know,
from all those "endorphmins"
pumping and all.
So, um,
you're a writer.
That's, uh--
That's amazing.
- Hi. Hi.
- Hey! Hey!
- I'm sorry I'm so late.
- No, you're right on time.
- What?. I'm-I'm an hour late.
- No, no.
You are right on time.
Hey, "tarbender'
the lady'll have a, uh--
Uh, I will have a frozen strawberry
margarita with salt, please.
Well, I see great minds
think alike.
Uh, we split the salad. But I think,
as I recall, you ate a little bit more,
including more ofrthe arugula, which
is one ofrthe more expensive greens.
I didn't have any of the goat cheese.
I'm allergic.
No dessert.
Easy enough.
That leaves your portion at $42.73,
and mine at $1 8.1 4.
Beautiful. Perfect.
You have exact change?.
It's so funny,Jessica.
But I go out with a lot of girls.
A lot.
And Ijust-- I don't know.
Ijust freelso--
so comfortable with you,
so at home, so free to be myself.
Normally, I'm a pretty
"self-defecating" guy.
Let me tellyou something.
You're "phat. "
I'd love to see you twirl
in that dress.
- With a P-H.
- Twirl.
Oh, okay.
[ Mumbling ]
- As it were, per se.
- I like the wayyour hair...
- Uh--
-... goes around your head like that.
- You know what I mean?.
- You know?. You know?.
- Whoops! I spilled some.
- What's not to get?.
I thinkwe're connecting,
and I'd like to representyou...
as your accountant
and your boyfriend,
that's at all possible.
Okay, the New Yorker loves us.
The reviewer is creaming in her pants.